A Christmas Wish!

As I sit on the couch listening to classic Christmas music, a smile comes over my face. Christmas has always been a great and memorable time of year for me. Growing up my grams and I would prepare the Advent Wreath, the Nativity Scene and the Christmas Tree and it all was just magical. Each year I would try to get my grams to let me put the decorations up earlier and earlier and once in awhile she let me do it before Thanksgiving. That time of year was so special for me, it was so magical and it was comforting.

Now, at the age of 26 I realize that some of that magic has disappeared and I am not sure if it is due to age, life experiences, work or the fact that when you grow up you are not supposed to believe in magic. Regardless I want that innocent, wide eyed, magic believing little 6 year old back. So, that is why I have made the promise to myself to begin to believe in the miracles of Christmas. I will start doing this by completing this list:

  • Decorate a tree
  • Decorate a window
  • Make Christmas Cookies
  • Sit on Santa’s lap
  • Making a wish list of presents
  • Leaving Christmas cookies for Santa
  • Listen to Christmas music
  • Pass holiday cheer where ever I go
  • Help my friends believe

I have completed 5 of these items, below see the Christmas Tree I helped decorate at ScoopyPoo….DoggyDoo PickUp.

Christmas at ScoopyPoo....DoggyDoo PickUp

I know that these goals seem simple, but I think sometimes we make things more difficult then they need to be. If we all reverted back to those 6 year olds we used to be we might see the magic that still exists.

I ask all that read this to look around at your children, nieces, nephews, cousins or any child and see their faces when you mention Christmas.Their faces light up, they have that twinkle in their eyes and they have belief in their hearts. Isn’t that what we all want? I know I do.

So where ever you are this holiday season open your heart andyour eyes to the magic that is all around. Lets see those miracles start to happen, because after all, “Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!”

Happy Holidays. 🙂

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