Almost 2 Years and Cannot Wait For 100 More!

This is a bit cheesy, but this post is dedicated to the love of my life. The man that makes me laugh, who holds my hand when we watch scary movies and who holds me up when I am weak. It has been almost two years since we were married in Paris and everyday since has been an adventure.


While the last two years have had their ups and downs, life has been so good to us and has provided us with the opportunity to travel, to visit friends and family as well as save for our future family. My husband is a great man who works hard, supports me with my career efforts and most of all treats me like a queen.

This weekend we are taking a bit of time for ourselves and reconnecting with one another. I love adventures like this, we hike, we wine sip, we eat, we relax and most of all we are together.

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I cannot wait to keep experience life and most of all share many more adventures with this man. Happy Anniversary!

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